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Mat Plus

Our classes offer learning in the best, modern form - through action and activity, fun, games, well-chosen teaching aids, and excellent educational materials.

Classes are intended for children from 4 to 15 years old.
For both gifted children and those needing support, moreover all children follow the same program.
The secret lies in appropriately selected groups, which provide the opportunity for maximum development for each child,
in accordance with their needs, pace of work, and expectations.

How Do We Help?

Our goal is the maximum development of each student. We work in small groups and use only modern teaching methods. Mathematics MatPlus is a process that does not involve constantly catching up on school backlogs, but rather preventing them from occurring.

Learning is much more effective when different senses are used in the learning process. Mathematics MatPlus is learning through play, experience, various activities, games, and specially selected tasks that encourage students to think and seek proper solutions.

The classes are based on a Polish proprietary program, prepared by mathematicians and educators who have been teaching STEM subjects for many years.

For younger children, we offer developmental activities that focus on creativity, action, and play. We definitely go beyond the school curriculum.

For teenagers, we offer intensive and effective classes to support school lessons. We effectively prepare teenagers for the eighth grade exams.

The MATPLUS program offers group math classes tailored to the age and abilities of children. It includes a total of 11 annual math development programs, divided into 3 pillars of education.

Our classes are intended for preschool and school children, both those gifted in mathematics and those who need support.

MatPlus - logo PNG
We are for everyone

Three Pillars of Education


Preschool Education

For children aged 4-6 years


Early School Education

For children in grades 1-3 of primary school


Grades 4-7 of primary school

For children in grades 4-7 of primary school

Matematyka - 1 poziom

Preschool Education

Level A – activities for 4-year-old children
Level B – activities for 5-year-old children
Level C – activities for 6-year-old children

During the classes, your child will:

  • Count from 0 to 20 and back
  • Recognize numbers up to 20, 100, and beyond
  • Identify various flat shapes
  • Learn about 3D shapes and their basic properties
  • Estimate and perform different operations within 10/20/100
  • Understand multiples of numbers as an introduction to multiplication
  • Add and subtract by jumping on a number line, moving pieces on a number line, using fingers, counting blocks, and mentally
  • Complete to make 10/20
  • Learn about money
  • Use non-standard units
Matematyka - 2 poziom

Early School Education

Level 1 – activities for 1st grade students
Level 2 – activities for 2nd grade students
Level 3 – activities for 3rd grade students

During the classes, your child will:

  • Learn logical thinking
  • Explore wonderful math games
  • Calculate efficiently
  • Learn written operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication)
  • Understand common and decimal fractions
  • Learn about coordinate systems
  • Differentiate between centimeter and square centimeter
  • Understand the family of triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons
  • Identify angles in shapes
  • Distinguish between different types of angles
Dziewczynka matematyka

Grades 4-7 of Primary School

Level 4 – activities for 4th grade students
Level 5 – activities for 5th grade students
Level 6 – activities for 6th grade students
Level 7 – activities for 7th grade students

During the classes, your child will:

  • Face new mathematical challenges
  • Engage in experiments
  • Attempt to derive formulas
  • Think logically
  • Feel comfortable as there are no grades, and everyone is encouraged to make mistakes
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Participate in brainstorming sessions
  • Learn through various activities
  • Make new friends and have a great time
Egzamin Ósmoklasisty

Do you want to receive solid preparation for the eighth grade exam?

We work with exam papers, review and supplement the material needed for the exam. We analyze and learn all types of exam tasks. Our classes have a great atmosphere; we work hard, but the group’s magic makes everyone eager to come. Classes are held once a week and last 90 minutes. If you are focused on solid preparation, ready to work and collaborate, we invite you to our classes. We would be delighted to teach and support you before your first important exam!

Frequently Asked Questions

Children from a very young age are curious about the world, and through play, they organize it in terms of quantity, size, order, truth, and relationships. Allowing children to participate in organized activities from a young age satisfies their natural curiosity while introducing them to basic mathematical concepts and fostering openness to this field of study.

We suggest that your daughter participates in a trial class to see that mathematics isn't so scary and can be understood and even liked over time. This is all thanks to our innovative program and teaching methods that we employ in our classes.

Participation in our classes allows for improving skills, seeing mathematics as a method for describing phenomena and the world around us. Our classes stimulate cognitive curiosity, teach independence, and ensure the development of mathematical skills.

The MAT+ curriculum consists of 11 levels: 3 preschool levels preparing for the subject and 8 levels of learning aimed at different teaching levels.

We teach mathematics through experimentation, various types of games and a number of exercises that are not initially associated with mathematics. The type and number of aids used in our classes are very different from the stereotype we are used to, i.e. cramming, blackboard, paper and pen.

Each class lasts an hour and we meet once a week.

Number of children in a group 6/7 people.

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