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Creative classes

Sensitizing individuals to the beauty of nature. Developing motivation for making independent decisions and actions. Discovering one's own creative abilities, talents, and skills (especially artistic, technical, and musical). Cultivating an attitude of curiosity towards the world and the phenomena occurring within it.

"The era of intelligent people is coming to an end. The era of creative people is approaching." – E. Raudsepp.

Knowledge is an important element of our lives, but without the ability to apply it, it becomes useless.

Creative Development and Learning

We propose classes that allow for development and learning through creation. Participation in them provides an opportunity to recognize one’s own capabilities, talents, and abilities while inspiring the acquisition of skills that foster independence, understanding of the world, and the pursuit of creative solutions, as well as teaching cause-and-effect thinking.
Zajęcia z gipsu - dzieci z rodzicami
Zajęcia z gipsu w pracowni

Creativity and Sustainable Development

We teach skills in using various sources, fields, and materials. We emphasize the diversity of functions that objects can fulfill, often giving them a second life, thereby preparing participants for life in a world of sustainable development. We teach expressing feelings and emotions through various means of communication, reinforcing acceptance of their actions, creations, or utility items, and consequently acceptance of oneself, one’s ideas, and actions. The importance of learning skills and improving manual dexterity cannot be overstated. We sensitize artistically through various techniques and workshops, develop a sense of aesthetics, and openness to different perceptions of the surrounding reality. Finally, we demonstrate and teach how to be independent and how to organize free time independently.

Frequently asked questions

We offer classes: watercolor using pouring techniques, handicraft courses in various technologies, courses creating utility items using polymers and special masses plastic self-hardening and natural resins and wood processing. We also run classes teaching how to give a second life to objects that they no longer seem useful or redundant.

We do not require any special skills or experience from children. While We teach everything from scratch.

Yes, after the creation process is completed and the participants are properly prepared classes take their works to use in their everyday lives or theirs display in a convenient place.

When creating a piece of art, children focus on bringing their creative talents to life ideas. These activities relax children and allow them to create their own vision of the world. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the act of creation itself is more important than the end result. They allow them to discover themselves and unleash new passions. The classes teach practical skills operating various techniques and tools, using various materials, etc allows you to discover and improve skills that can be used in later in life.

    Creative Workshops with Polymer Gypsum

     On March 9, 16, and 23, 2024, free workshops on creating with polymer gypsum were held. During the workshops, children along with their parents created Easter eggs, LEGO figures, coasters, candle holders, and many other useful items from scratch. We started with learning the design and creation of utility items. As a result, beautiful and impressive items were created.
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